Prof Jogen Ch Kalita
Professor & Head
Dept of Zoology, GU
Ex Director UGC HRDC GU
Ex Director, CDC, GU
Commonwealth Scholar and Commonwealth Fellow for Life
Dr. Kalita, the Principal of Rangapara College has been a very dynamic, dedicated and hardworking person. He was serving as a faculty member of Assamese Dept at Tezpur College, Tezpur for about 25 long years. As the Principal, he is going to complete five years soon. He has his dream and vision about his College. He is very meticulous and organized in his work. He keeps active coordination with all the sectors of Higher Education, the State Govt, Gauhati University and the UGC.
I can see that the Rangapara College has a great future under his leadership. He is not just an Academic Administrator or a Literateur but a great community Leader too. With in a short span of time he could connect with all the sections of the society and could make his college a hub of community education and services. He always believes in the role of educator for societal development.
I wish him and Rangapara College a great future ahead.